Clubs And Organizations

The Aesculapian Society

Advisor: Dr. Cebra-Thomas

The Aesculapian Society is a club open to all students interested in careers in medicine, dentistry, podiatry, and many areas of the allied health professions. The Society endeavors to cultivate and encourage scholarly excellence in the field of health-related sciences. The club sponsors seminars featuring speakers from a variety of health fields. The members make frequent visits to professional schools, hospitals, and industrial laboratories during the year. The club is dedicated to volunteer involvement in programs such as the Heart Fund and the National Foundation of the March of Dimes.

Biology Club

Primary Advisor: Dr. Ryndock

Secondary Advisor: Dr. Wagner

The Biology Club invites members from the entire campus as well as from the Biology Department. The activities of this club are numerous and include speakers from other institutions; career seminars; field trips to greenhouses, zoos, and primate laboratories; government experimental stations; mushroom factories; biotechnology facilities; aquaria; and several arboreta and gardens including the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. and Longwood Gardens. This club prepares the newsletter "Biorythms". Its meetings often include films on various aspects of biology. There is often a visit to the Philadelphia Flower Show and an overnight trip to Washington, D.C. or New York. On Arbor Day, the club presents a flowering tree to the University to be planted some appropriate place on campus. Along similar efforts, the club has established and maintains a nursery of trees planted on campus. It financially supports itself by organizing raffles, car washes, plant and food sales.

Conestoga Club

Advisor: Dr. Haines

The Conestoga Club was formed in 1996 to educate the community about local natural environments. We are working on natural history brochures about the "Bush", a forested campus area along the Conestoga River. We plan to lead hikes and also encourage people to take self-guided tours. Restoration of native wildflowers and other vegetation is another club project. During Spring 1996, Virginia bluebells were planted. The club is now establishing seed beds for native wildflowers which will be transplanted to the Bush and other local areas.

Entomology Club

Advisor: Dr. Wallace

Since its inception in 1964 by Dr. Syd Radinovsky, the Entomology club has maintained its mission over the last 50 years of promoting entomological learning through field experiences to  the Everglades, South Carolina, the Oso Peninsula in Costa Rica, the Great Smoky Mountains, the Florida Keys and Big Bend National Park (back in the day) for its members but under the guidance of advisor, Dr. Wallace has expanded its antennal reach to provide service learning opportunities for members in the form of designing and building an operational butterfly farming business for a community in San Ramon, Nicaragua; contributing funds to initiate a recycling program initiated by a former club member and Peace Corps Volunteer in Guatemala; supervising and staffing a living butterfly house at the former Funk's Market in ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ;  conducting entoblitz (entomological) surveys for the Lancaster Conservancy's Holtwood Preserve; constructing insect hotels for the organic gardening operation of Homefields, Inc, a non-profit, all-volunteer organization in ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ that provides a home to people with special needs and trains farmers with intellectual disabilities; and raises entomological awareness on campus through the participation of various on-campus activities such as anti-smoking campaigns, campus-wide movie showings as well as reached out to future entomologists at near by high school, Penn Manor to provide hands-on applied experience in our entomological museum. Most recently, the club has been actively raising funds to donate to W.A.T.E.R. (Water for Africa Through Everyday Responsiveness) a non-profit in Kumasi, Ghana that are being used to increase education and awareness about Buruli ulcer, a mycobacterial disease that causes extensive destruction of the skin and is found in 30+ countries in tropical and subtropical climates.  

Related Links:

  • Entomology Club Homepage

MU Society for Respiratory Care Practitioners

Advisor: Dr. Hoover

The ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ Society for Respiratory Care Practitioners, chartered in 1997, was founded to serve students who have interest in respiratory care practice. The society meets monthly during the academic year to plan and conduct field trips, make facility tours, and enjoy speakers who come to share their experiences and insights regarding respiratory care practice. The society maintains communication with representatives of the American Lung Association, and members volunteer their time to work with children and adults who seek its services. Its goal is to promote enthusiasm and scholarship of students in the respiratory therapy curriculum, increase awareness of the respiratory care profession, advance the role of the respiratory care practitioner in health care, and promote the cardiopulmonary wellness of all people in our community.

Ocean Sciences Club

Advisor: Dr. Didier

The Ocean Sciences Club is open to anyone interested in marine science. Invited speakers talk about their research, graduate schools, and career opportunities. Field trips include beach cleanups along the Delaware shore, visits to the Baltimore Aquarium, the Smithsonian Institute, and the University of Delaware's Graduate School, as well as boat trips on the Chesapeake Bay.