Summer 2022 OER Development and Publications
The Vilas A. Prabhu Center for Academic Excellence is pleased to announce Faculty and Staff Open Educational Resource (OER) publications during Summer 2022. Since 2019 the Vilas A. Prabhu Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) has worked closely with the OER Working Group to provide grant funding and faculty professional development in support of Open Educational Resource (OER) adoption. To date, these collaborative efforts have saved students over 1 million in textbook fees, with faculty adopting free textbooks instead of commercial textbooks.
In further support of this work, the Vilas A. Prabhu Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) worked through various grants to support the publication of the following materials. We invite you to access and use these freely available teaching and learning materials.
Materials to support faculty OER adoption:
- Professor Kim Auger, Dr. A Nicole Pfannenstiel, and Mr. Matt Fox published The OER Adoption Journey available at :
Materials to support faculty teaching with OER:
Dr. Susannah Boyle, Associate Professor in EMEE published "Methods for Teaching Students with Significant Disabilities" available at
Dr. Jess Hughes, Assistant Professor in Communication & Theatre published "Anti-racism" available at
Dr. Stephanie Jerstad, Assistant Professor in Criminology, Sociology and Anthropology published "Lady (In)Justice: A critical look into the symbols of the criminal justice system" available at
Dr. Victoria Khiterer, Professor in History published "Imperial Russia course teaching materials" and "National Minorities in the Russian Empire" available at (lecture) and (powerpoint) and (teaching materials)
Dr. Beth Powers, Associate Professor in EMEE published "Exploring and Implementing Anti-Biased Principals in Early Childhood Education with Pre-service and In-service Teachers" available at
Dr. Chris Stieha, Associate Professor in Biology published "Applying Statistical Concepts to Published Journal Articles: General Questions and a Collection of Abstracts in Biology" available at
Dr. Robert Vaillancourt, Associate Professor in Earth Sciences published "Ocean Data Analysis and Presentation (ODAP)" available at
Dr. Charlton Wolfgang, Associate Professor in EMEE published "ERCH 465: Science for the Young Learner" available at
Drs. Ollie Dreon and Nicole Pfannenstiel Guest Co-Edited two special issues of Academic Leader "Spotlight on Open Educational Resources". These special issues highlight and celebrate the Open Educational Resource (OER) endeavors of 无忧短视频 faculty in supporting student learning while saving students money. These special issues were made possible through the tireless efforts of OER Working Group members. The articles are published through Academic Leader:
Part 1
- "Adopting Open: Promoting Faculty Interest" by Drs. Ollie Dreon, Chris Stieha, and Alex Redcay
- "Stronger Together: Building Cross-Campus Partnerships" by Dr. Stephanie Pennucci and Mr. Matthew Fox
- "Fostering Innovation with a Hands-Off Approach" by Drs. Ollie Dreon, Alex Redcay, and James Delle
- "Supporting and Understanding Open Scholarship" by Drs. Nicole Pfannenstiel, Stephanie Pennucci, and Ms. Krista Higham