Virtual Conference Library

Online Teaching

ADA Section 508 Compliance: Cheat Sheet ()

While online course design aims for alignment between learning objectives and learning activities, ensuring that online course contents are compliant with ADA Section 508 guidance often comes as an afterthought, that requires additional clean-up efforts. This presentation aims to provide an easy-to- follow guidance to help instructors, course designers, and instructional designers accomplish Section 508 compliance.

A Macro View of E-Learning in Higher Education: Institutions, Faculty, and Students as Frames of Reference ()

This presentation describes the current state of e-learning in higher education, identifies the challenges that remain, and outlines the steps institutions can take to overcome these challenges and become more mature in their e-learning initiatives.

A Virtual ToolBox of Strategies and Tech Tools to Support Teaching and Learning Online () 

Whether teaching completely online or through a blended approach, utilizing various instructional strategies and technology tools to address the diverse learning needs of students is essential.  This presentation will share a Virtual Resource ToolBox for differentiating instruction in the online learning environment.  We will explore technology tools that support teaching and learning online.  Participants will also begin to create their own Personalized Virtual Resource ToolBox for Teaching and Learning Online.

Be an eLearning Rock Star! Best Practices in Online Facilitation ()

Be an eLearning rock star! Come discuss best practices in online education with two award-winning instructors! From pre-course setup (Sound Check) to post course evaluations and reflections (After Party) learn how to work efficiently and effectively (time management tips) and channel your inner rock star. Get the best work from your students and have fun doing it!

Best Practices in Planning for Group Work in Online Courses ()

It can be a challenge to replicate small group activities in in-person classes in an online environment, especially asynchronously. I will discuss several methods for doing so, pointing out the limitations of each method, and providing suggestions for doing so effectively.

Does Your Presence Matter to Students? Teaching Presence in Online Education ()

Based on data collected from student grades, student-instructor communication, discussion board posting and course evaluations, the researcher/instructor set out to determine if creating a greater sense of teaching presence was a worthwhile investment of the researcher's time and energy.

Making Sure Your Distance Education is Legal ()

Presented by the author of Copyright for Academic Librarians and Professionals (2014), this session addresses U.S. copyright law and current distance education. Topics covered include course presentation tools such as Blackboard and Moodle; MOOCs, blogs, wikis, and Nings; Internet world environments; Social Networking; special interest networking; Skype and similar digital communication tools; video streaming; Internet-based computer/video games/gaming; and open-sourcing.

Practical Accessibility for D2L () 

Accessibility is the law. The challenge for many online instructors is making sense of the technical standards in order to do the right thing. Learn practical strategies for creating accessible online course materials and updating existing content using the tools within D2L.

Setting Students Up for Success in Online Courses () 

This presentation will share examples of pedagogical practices used at the course level to help students become more effective learners in an online environment.

Walking the Walk, while Talking the Talk: 10 Best Practices for Teaching Online () 

Teaching evidence-based best practices to a room full of teachers? You better be using those practices yourself! This session will describe the course Innovation, Technology, and Teaching in Higher Education, a component of Temple University's Teaching in Higher Education Certificate. In this hybrid course, the facilitator applied "Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online" from Boettcher and Conrad's The Online Teaching Survival Guide (2010). Participants will hear examples of the application of these practices as well as lessons-learned. Activities will allow participants to apply these practices to their own course.