Safer Sex

Safer Sex is protecting yourself and your partners from sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancy. Safer sex can be enjoyable and promote good health. Safer sex includes affirmative consent, active communication, and contraceptive methods. 

Safer Sex Kits

The purpose of the Safer Sex Kits are to increase the amount of students who consistently engage in safer sexual behaviors by the use of barrier methods, increase partner consensual communication, and increase the number of students to be tested for sexually transmitted infections and diseases.

Benefits of using barrier methods include protection against HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy including a reduction in the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease and cervical cancer among women.

Students are able to request external condoms, latex free external condoms, finger condoms, internal condoms, and dental dams all for FREE! *While supplies last each semester.

Frequently Asked Questions - Consent

  • What is consent

    An agreement between two people to engage in a specific act. Consent should be: freely given, reversible, informed, enthusiastic, specific. Visit planned to get more information on consent.

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  • Different ways to ask for consent

    “May I continue?”
    “Can I do _______?”
    “Would you be okay with ___________?”
    “Does this feel good to you?”
    “What do you like to do?
    “Is there anything I can do to make you feel safer?”
    “Should I keep going?”

    *Consent should never be pressured and never pursue an act is someone seems unsure*

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  • How do I know if I have consent?

    A verbal “YES”
    “I’d like that”
    “I’m enjoying this”
    “Can you please keep going”
    “It feels amazing when you _____”
    An enthusiastic head nod

    *Even if someone gives Non-Verbal consent that does not mean they would like to continue, make sure you have Verbal consent*

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  • When do I need to ask for consent?
    • Before you begin in any sexual activity
    • Before you change the type of degree of sexual activity
    • Before initiating any physical touch
    • Periodically check in with your partner
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  • Communication is Key. How do I do so?
    • LISTEN, so you can understand
    • Ask questions – do not control the conversation rather ask questions to show you are engaged
    • Be mindful of your word choice – know who you are talking to and what is not appropriate to say
    • Be aware of nonverbal communication – understand that your body language can communicate just as effectively
    • Make the space safe to make sure both parties are comfortable
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  • What are Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)?
    • Sexually Transmitted Diseases = STDs are infections that are spread from one person to another, usually during vaginal, anal, and oral sex.
    • They’re really common, and lots of people who have them don’t have any symptoms. Without treatment, STDs can lead to serious health problems.
    • But the good news is that getting tested is no big deal, and most STDs are easy to treat.

    *Source: Planned Parenthood

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  • What are the different kinds of STI鈥檚 and How can they be transmitted?
    Chlamydia = having unprotective vaginal, anal, and/or oral sex with someone with Chlamydia

    Gonorrhea = having unprotective vaginal, anal, and/or oral sex | sharing sex toys | touching parts of the body with fingers

    Hepatitis = can be spread through semen

    Herpes = having unprotective vaginal, anal, and/or oral sex with someone who is infected

    HIV/AIDS = if you come into contact with the blood, semen, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast milk of someone who is infected

    HPV = having vaginal, anal, and/or sex with someone who has the virus

    Syphilis = coming into contact with a syphilis sore during vaginal, anal and/or oral sex
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  • What are the different kinds of Condoms and when/how would I use them?

    More information coming soon.

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