Drug-Free Schools And Communities Act
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act 无忧短视频 supports and endorses the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act amendments of 1989. The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments requires institutions of higher education to inform the campus community about issues related to substance use and abuse, including information describing the resources available to assist students, faculty, and staff in combating alcohol and drug problems and listing the appropriate regulations and laws. I request that you review the information below, and reaffirm the commitment to a campus community environment that promotes health, safety, personal development and academic success of all faculty, staff and students. If you have any questions regarding this statement or wish to receive further information on the college’s Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and Drug-Free Workplace Act program, you are encouraged to contact the Office of Human Resources (employees) or the Dean of Students Office (students).
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Drug and Alcohol Policy The University complies with federal, state and local laws including those that regulate the possession, sale, and use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances. 无忧短视频 students who use, sell, exchange, consume, or possess alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia on University property or at University functions will be dealt with in accordance with the University judicial policy as well as Commonwealth, federal and local laws. Non students and employees who violate the University’s policies and whose actions are not in compliance with the orderly operation of the University will be prosecuted in accordance with Commonwealth, federal and local laws.
View the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Notification - All Student Notice (PDF)
Alcohol and Drug in the Workplace
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of alcohol and other controlled substances by a University employee while on duty, or on University grounds is prohibited. Inappropriate use of alcohol or other controlled substances by any employee while or on University grounds is prohibited. Such conduct shall subject the employee to appropriate discipline, up to and including termination. Employees who are taking a controlled substance, as prescribed by a medical provider are not in violation of University policy
View the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Notification - Faculty, Staff and Student Employee Notice
Drug-Free Workplace Policy
PA State System of Higher Education Board of Governors had adopted a drug-free workplace policy (1989-02). It states, The State System of Higher Education, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, hereby declares as its policy that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited at any workplace under the authority of the Board of Governors. Any employee violating the policy will be referred to the Commonwealth’s employee assistance program and/or disciplined, in an appropriate manner, up to and including termination. Discipline, when appropriate, shall be taken under relevant provisions of collective bargaining agreements, Civil Service Commission policy, or other human resource policies adopted by the Board of Governors.
Health Risks
In addition to the life impact related to a criminal record, many psychological and physical risks are associated with the abuse of alcohol and other substances. Alcohol abuse is clearly associated with impairment of academic functioning and students often find it difficult to maintain their academic focus and meet their responsibilities. Alcohol is frequently related to poor academic achievement, low GPA, or the decision to leave school without a degree. The following list includes some additional information about the risks associated with drug and alcohol use.
• Any drug, even over-the-counter or a doctor’s prescription has possible side effects that can cause impairments. There are no guidelines for the use of illegal drugs, and one can never be sure of their strength or purity.
• Cocaine is a highly addictive drug--both psychologically and physically.
• Alcohol is a depressant drug; it slows the central nervous system, impairs judgment and in high doses can be fatal.
• THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, remains in your body for one month following use. THC concentration has been increasing in marijuana which increases the risk of harmful effects.
• Marijuana smoke produces all of the harmful effects of tobacco smoke and contains 50 percent more of the cancer-causing chemicals.
• Alcohol is frequently associated with sexual violence, date rape, poor sexual decisions as well as accidental injury and death. Alcohol is associated with over 1700 deaths of college students each year.
Resources, Counseling and Treatment
All students and employees are encouraged to seek early help if they feel they have a problem with alcohol and/or other drugs, and to learn how to assist others with substance abuse problems. With early assistance, it is less likely that serious consequences will result from an alcohol or other drug problem. There are resources on campus and in the community for assistance. Employees with questions are directed to Human Resources, located in the Dilworth Administration Building, Room 105 and can be reached by dialing (717) 871-4950. Some other resources include:
• State Employee Assistance Program - 1-800-824-4306
• Center for Health Education and Promotion - 717-871-4141
• 无忧短视频 Police - 717-871-4357
• 无忧短视频 Health Services - 717-871-5250
• Alcoholics Anonymous - http://www.aa.org
• Al-Anon -
• Narcotics Anonymous -
• National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
• US Department of Veterans Affairs Educational Services - 1-888-442-4551
• US Department of Veterans Affairs (medical care) - 1-800-827-1000
Student Conduct and Standards
Student Conduct and Standards The University’s policies for students on substance abuse and alcoholic beverages are outlined in the Judicial Affairs Handbook. The Judicial Affairs Handbook also includes the procedure for reporting and responding to alleged policy violations, and information on University sanctions for violation of these policies. Please read all of this vitally important material carefully. The University will review its alcohol and other drugs programs biennially for effectiveness and consistency of application and, where necessary, make appropriate changes. Student violations of the University’s alcohol and drug policies may come to the attention of the Office of Judicial Affairs through an online report through the judicial software. The Judicial Handbook details the judicial process of violations of the alcohol and drug policies. Each incident is reviewed on a case by case basis following due process.
Judicial Affairs Handbook Prohibited Conduct Related to Alcohol The following activities are prohibited:
• Conduct involving the personal consumption and/or possession of alcohol in violation of the law on or off campus (V.2.A)
• Distribution of alcoholic beverages to minors (V.2.B)
• Knowingly being in the presence of unauthorized use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages (V.2.C)
• Public drunkenness (V.2.D)
• Violations of the University Alcoholic Beverage Administration Policy (V.2.E)
Judicial Affairs Handbook Prohibited Conduct Related to Drugs
Acts involving the manufacture, distribution, sale, exchange, use, offer to sale or possession of illegal drugs, narcotics or drug paraphernalia. Illegal drugs are defined by state and federal statutes. The following activities are also prohibited: • Knowingly being in the presence of unauthorized use, possession or distribution of drugs (V.3.A)
• The use of counterfeit substances under this section is also a violation of the Code of Conduct (V.3.B) Sanctions Students found to be responsible for violating the alcohol or drug policies as outlined in the Judicial Affairs Handbook will be subject to any or all of the following sanctions:
• Interim Suspension
• Educational Sanctions
• Educational Reflection
• Educational Development
• Service Restitution
• Counseling Services
• Conduct Contract
• Restorative Practices
• Behavioral Mentor
• Retributive Sanctions
• Deferred Action
• Reprimand
• Financial Restitution
• Fines
• Parent Notification
• Loss of Privileges
• Probation
• Censure
• Suspension
• Inactivation
• Termination of University Recognition
• Expulsion
Policy on Parental Notification for Alcohol and Drug Violations
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. 无忧短视频 must have written permission from the student in order to release any information from a student’s education/judicial record. FERPA does, however allow for some disclosures without student consent and in accordance with FERPA guidelines, 无忧短视频’s Parental Notification policy includes notifying parents of students who are under 21 years of age who have been found responsible for involvement in an incident in which there was an alcohol violation. 无忧短视频’s Parental Notification policy also includes notifying parents of students who have been found responsible for being involved in an incident in which there was a drug violation. Parental notification is an option within the law that will be subscribed to when deemed to be in the best interest of the student.