Dr. Ethan Frost

Assistant Professor

Dr. Ethan Frost

Contact Information


Office: McComsey 222
Phone: 717-871-7174

Office Hours

M: 8:00 - 10:00 am
T: 12:15 - 2:15 pm
W: 8:00 - 10:00 am
Comments: Spring 2025


  • Ph.D. Climatology, University of Delaware (Newark, DE), 2011
  • M.S. Geography, University of Delaware (Newark, DE), 2007
  • B.A. Geography, Clark University (Worcester, MA), 2002

Dr. Frost's research interests center on ecohydrology, the interaction of water and ecosystems. Dr. Frost's research focuses on how precipitation is modified by forest canopies and how changes in forest health and ecological disturbances may affect the hydrologic cycle in forested ecosystems. He is also interested spatial data analysis, environmental field methods, and water quality issues associated with non-point source pollution, especially in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Dr. Frost's teaching interests include Bioclimatology, Hydrology, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Physical Geography, and Water Resources.


  • GEOG 130 - Introduction to Environmental Science
  • GEOG 230 - Physical Geography
  • GEOG 289 - Field and Research Methods in Geography
  • GEOG 295 - GIS I: Vector Data Analysis
  • GEOG 304 - Water Resources Management

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