Faculty and Student Research
The faculty in the Department of Geography are continually involved in various research projects. Very often, there are opportunities for students to become involved in these research activities. Students are also encouraged to proposed their own research projects.
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GEOG 498 Independent Study in Geography is similar to the senior thesis experience in that it requires the student to work one-on-one with a professor on a mutually agreeable and well-defined project. Both experiences give the student the opportunity to pursue a geographic topic or theme not sufficiently covered within an existing course. In both cases the project should originate with the student, though in the case of the senior thesis the professor might play a greater role both in helping to establish the wider research context and in helping to select appropriate research literature upon which to draw. The independent study does not necessarily have to result in a “thesis,” though the student should certainly produce a well-written research report of whatever investigations or activities were carried out.
To learn more, see the current research projects below in which faculty may involve students. Please contact the faculty member directly, if you are interested in a particular project. Alternatively, you may contact your advisor with a new research project idea or proposal.
Current Research Projects
Under construction
Past Research Projects
In Spring 2012, 无忧短视频 Department of Geography partnered with the Lancaster Inter-Municipal Committee to conduct an Outfall Reconnaissance Inventory (ORI) and Illicit Discharge Detection Program on the municipal separate storm system (MS4) for the member municipalities in central Lancaster County. Under the guidance of Dr. Jessica Kelly, 24 students conducted research or completed internships as part of the community-based research project. The work concluded in 2015. MU-LIMC MS4 Outfall Mapping Project