Mission Statement & By-Laws

Mission Statement

The mission of the 无忧短视频 President’s Commission on Gender and Sexual Diversity (GSD) is to foster a university climate that promotes equity, inclusion, and affirmation for all people representative within the spectrum of gender and sexual expression (e.g. are or are perceived to be lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender/transsexual, questioning/queer, intersex, allies/androgynous/asexual (LGBTQIA), etc.) at 无忧短视频. The Commission actively supports policies, practices, and programs that pursue this goal for students, staff, faculty, administrators, and the general public with respect to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.


I. Purposes and Functions

A. To explore, facilitate, and advocate ways to ensure equity among all people representative within the spectrum of gender and sexual expression at 无忧短视频 including but not limited to the areas of employment, recruitment, academic life, student life, and academic offerings.  

B.  To monitor the efforts of 无忧短视频 and to assist it in achieving equity and inclusion with respect to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.  

C.  To advise the President on all matters pertaining to issues of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.  

D.  To serve as an important partner to the President’s Commission on Cultural Diversity and Inclusion and the President’s Commission on the Status of Women in areas of shared interest.  

E.  To serve as a liaison to and supporter of any State System (PASSHE) initiative(s).  The Commission shall be responsible for the appointment of representatives to said initiative(s) 


II. Membership  

A.  On or before February 1 of each year, the Commission shall submit recommendations to the University President for appointment to the Commission.  

B.  Appointment to the Commission is at the sole discretion of the University President. 

C.  Membership shall consist of a minimum of fifteen (15) voting members—including the Commission Chairperson(s)—with representation from among administrators, faculty, staff, students from the university, and members from the surrounding community.

D.  Minimum representation from the following divisions of the university should be as follows:   

1.  Administration – 2

2.  Faculty - 3

3.  Staff - 3 

4.  Students - 3 

5.  Community members - 2 

E.  Ex-officio members shall include: the Vice-President of Student Affairs or their designee, the Director of the Office of Diversity & Social Justice or their designee, the Faculty Advisor for the Gender and Sexuality Alliance (Allies), the President of the Gender and Sexuality Alliance (Allies) or their designee, a member of the President’s Commission on Cultural Diversity & Inclusion, and a member of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women.  These positions shall be counted as it pertains to provision D.  

F.  Terms of Membership   

1.  Members shall be appointed by the University President to serve overlapping terms of three years, except for students and community members, who will serve one-year renewable terms. Student members are eligible for term renewal as long as they maintain their active enrollment status.  

2.  No member shall serve more than six years in succession.  

3.  The anniversary date of terms shall be June 1.  

4.  Should a member resign prior to the expiration of their term, the Commission shall submit a list of recommendations from which the President shall select a replacement to complete the remainder of the term of that member.  

5.  In the event of chronic absenteeism (attendance at fewer than three regularly scheduled meetings in one year), the Commission Chairperson shall consult with the member to determine whether or not a permanent replacement shall be named. If a replacement is to be named, the Commission shall submit recommendations to the University President for appointment.  

III.  Officers  

The officers of the Commission shall be Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer.  The Chairperson shall be appointed by the President for a term of two years.  All other officers shall be elected by the Commission and serve for a one-year term, commencing on June 1 each year.  Officers may serve for at most 3 consecutive terms in a single position.  

A.  The Chairperson shall be responsible for setting meeting agendas and conducting meetings, as well as acting as liaison to the University President.  

B.  The Vice-Chairperson shall assist the Commission Chairperson, and act in their absence.  

C.  The Secretary shall be responsible for production and distribution of accurate minutes of Commission meetings.

D.  The Treasurer shall make regular reports regarding the financial status of the Commission.  


IV.  Subcommittees  

A.  The Commission shall consist of the following standing subcommittees with the indicated duties and responsibilities:  

1.  Executive Committee.  This committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Director of the Office of Diversity and Social Justice, and at least one, but no more than 3, member(s) of the Commission at large (selected by the Commission officers).  Its responsibilities shall include: budgeting, planning, recommending and reviewing Commission goals and programs; nomination of new members; bylaw revisions; managing social media accounts, and marketing materials; and acting on behalf of the Committee for emergencies between regularly scheduled meetings.  The Commission Chairperson shall chair this subcommittee.  

2.  Safe Zone Committee.  Its responsibilities shall include: in conjunction with Human Resources and any other appropriate University Departments for development and presentation of a Safe Zone training curriculum; management of a Safe Zone program and website as well as management of a Safe Zone participant’s registry. 

B.  The Commission shall appoint such other committees as it deems appropriate. In addition, the Executive Committee is empowered to appoint ad hoc task forces as needed.                     

C.  All committee chairpersons must be nominated by the Executive Committee for annual election by the Commission.  

D. Each committee must submit annual budget and committee reports of activities by May 30.  


V.  Rules of Procedure  

A.  Commission Meetings   

1.  Regular meetings shall normally be held monthly during the academic year. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or at the request of the President or three or more members of the Commission. The Secretary shall be responsible for assuring that all Commission members are notified of special meetings. 

2.  A majority of current members shall constitute a quorum.

B.  Committee Reports   

Each committee shall submit an annual report of its activity by May 30. The Executive Committee shall submit an annual report incorporating all committee reports to the President by August 30.

C.  Voting Procedure

1.  Motions

A.  A simple majority of those attending, providing a quorum is present, shall be needed to pass a motion.

B.  The usual method of voting on motions shall be viva voce. 

C.  After a voice, any member may call for division; this call shall require that the vote be registered by a show of hands and that the count be recorded.  

D.  Voting by other methods:   

1.  Roll Call: shall require a motion, second, and a majority vote.  

2.  Ballot: shall require a motion, second, and a majority vote.  

E.  Any member may request their vote be recorded in any vote or division. 

2.  Applicability of Robert's Rules of Order   

A.  The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the Commission in which they are not incompatible with these rules of procedure.  

B.  These rules may be suspended by a majority vote of the Commission at any session, provided that the safeguards or rights as explained in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, under the heading "suspension of the rules" shall always be adhered to.  

3.  Amendment of the Bylaws   

The bylaws shall be amended by a majority vote of the members and approval of the University President.