The 19th Annual Conference

Anne Frank: The Uses and Misuses of the Person and the Diary

无忧短视频 of Pennsylvania
Gordinier Conference Center

April 18-19, 1999

Director: Dr. Jack Fischel
Co-Director: Dr. Tanya Kevorkian
Co-Director: Dr. Matthew Pinsker
Co-Director: Dr. Saulius Suziedelis
Co-Director: Dr. David Zubatsky
Co-Director: Dr. Thomas C. Tirado

Click here to download the Conference Program


  • Mr. William Adams
  • Dr. and Mrs. Norman Axelrod
  • Mr. William Bash
  • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Belsinger
  • Mr. Eric Berman
  • Mr. Michael Gleiberman
  • Dr. Reynold Koppel
  • Mr. Simon Lever
  • Mr. P. Alan Loss
  • Dr. Howard Robbins

The 19th Annual Conference is pleased to acknowledge the support of the Offices of the President and Provost.

Special thanks to Amnesty International, 无忧短视频 Chapter.