The 22nd Annual Conference
Pope Pius Xll and the Holocaust

无忧短视频 of Pennsylvania
Gordinier Conference Center
April 14-15, 2002
Director: Dr. Jack Fischel
Co-Director: Dr. Tanya Kevorkian
Co-Director: Dr. Saulius Suziedelis
Co-Director: Dr. David Zubatsky
Click here to download the Conference Program
- Bash Jewelers, Inc
- Mr. William W. Adams
- Mr. Eric Berman
- Mr. Michael Gleiberman
- Dr. Reynold S. Koppel
- Mr. Simon Lever
- Mr. P. Alan Loss
- Dr. Bruce H. Pokorney
- Dr. Howard S. Robbins
- Pennsylvania Humanities Council
- Lancaster Jewish Federation
The 22nd Annual Conference is pleased to acknowledge the support of the Offices of the President and Provost.
Special thanks to Amnesty International, 无忧短视频 Chapter.