
无忧短视频 Honors College at a Glance

At present time, each Honors student is required to graduate with at least 25 total Honors credits (effective Fall 2017). This includes the Honors Thesis which is typically 3 credits. Many Honors courses may also overlap with General Education credits. Another option for students is to complete 'Honors in the Major'. They have the option of changing 2 of their major courses into ones that satisfy the Honors credit requirement. 

To view specific honors courses being offered now, click here and select the appropriate semester. 

Freshman Year

Typically students take 9-12 credits of Honors courses:

  • English Composition
  • Speech Communication
  • Lab Science
  • Explorations in World Literature (spring semester of freshman year)
  • Calculus or Statistics
  • Explorations in the History of Ideas (fall semester of freshman year)

Sophomore Year

Typically students take 9-12 credits of Honors core courses:

  • Calculus or Statistics (if missed in freshman year)
  • Explorations in World Literature (if missed in freshman year)
  • Explorations in the History of Ideas (if missed in freshman year)
  • Lab Science (if missed in freshman year)
  • Honors Electives
  • Attend Honors Thesis Workshop and focus on finding a thesis topic and a thesis advisor

Junior Year

Typically students take 7-10 credits of Honors electives, thesis, and perspectives

First Semester:

  • Discuss thesis topic with thesis advisor
  • Honors Perspectives Course 

Second Semester:

  • HNRS 489: Independent Study - 1 credit
  • Complete thesis proposal and get committee in place

Senior Year

Typically students take 5-8 credits of Honors courses

First semester:

  • HNRS 499: Thesis - 2 credits
  • Submit intent to graduate form

Second Semester:

  • Electives

Honors College Thesis

Each student graduating from the Honors College is required to complete an Honors Thesis. This thesis typically satisfies 3 honors credits and can be split between two semesters (as shown in the breakdown above). Students may choose any topic of interest for their thesis as long as they have professors willing to be on their committee. An Honors Thesis committee generally consists of the selected advisor and at least two other committee members. There is also an option for students to complete Departmental Honors which is when they are to write a thesis within their major. This major thesis can also count as the Honors Thesis and will sometimes be 4 credits for STEM majors. Although the project may seem daunting, it's an opportunity for students to work very closely with their chosen professors during the research and writing process. It is recommended that students begin working on their thesis during their Junior year.

For more information, click here.

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