Choosing a Thesis Topic
Choosing a Thesis Topic
To select a thesis topic, ask yourself:
- What am I interested in? What am I good at? What puzzles me? Which courses have stimulated my interest and captured my time and attention?
- What problems exist in my field (that can be resolved with new knowledge)? What seem to be the primary targets of interest and inquiry?
- What "sites" of inquiry are readily available to me in my circumstances?
- Is there research or scholarship already going on at MU, in or out of my major department, that I might become involved with? (students often join an existing project and make a portion of that project their own for the thesis).
Based on your answers to the above questions, identify a preliminary topic/area of interest. To generate a research question/"quest" based on that topic, ask yourself:
- What do I know about this topic? How can I find out more?
- What don't I know and what do I want to know?
- What are possible sources of information about this question?
- Which faculty might I talk to about their research and scholarship?
Based on these questions, preliminary reading, library research, and regarding the topic, formulate a preliminary question or describe a possible project or "quest".
To refine/test that research question/quest, ask yourself:
- Does somebody already know the answer to this question? Has somebody already completed this project? (Do I need to do more reading/research to find out?)
- Is this question too broad?
To determine feasibility, ask yourself:
- How might one answer this question? (methodology)
- Are the necessary data readily available?
- Do I have (at least potentially) available to me appropriate time, support, equipment, and resources to answer this question or complete this quest?
- Do I have the skills to do this? If no, how can I prepare myself to complete this project? If I can't, how can I revise my question?
Go through this series of questions again and again until you have a question/quest you can live with. As you consider these issues, write down your thinking and your attempts to formulate a question/quest. Start a folder/notebook specifically for your thesis.