Kristen Hart

Kristen Hart

Full Name: Kristen Hart

Home Town: Clifton Heights, PA

Major(s): Undecided (leaning towards a BS in Applied Engineering & Technology Management with a concentration in Graphic Communication Technology)

Expected Semester of Graduation: Spring 2020

Why did you join the Honors College?

I joined the Honors College because I wanted to be a part of a community where I would be around people who would push me to want to produce my best work and add to my learning and overall experience here at 无忧短视频. I liked the idea of living in the same dorm as the students who would also be in the same honors classes. Also, I was excited about the plethora of wonderful opportunities that are offered to only Honors College students.

How has the Honors College shaped your experience at 无忧短视频?

Being a part of the Honors College has added to my overall experience here at 无忧短视频 so much, and I have only been here for 2 semesters so far! It has allowed me to take challenging classes and receive help from, not only the professors, but also the mentors and other Honors College students. Through the Honors College I have had the opportunity to go on trips, participate in activities, give back to the community, and get to know so many people who are all just as hard working and dedicated as I am!

What was your favorite honors course? Why?

My favorite honors course so far has been COMM 100 - Fundamentals of Speech with Dr. Wood. I was very nervous going into this class because I have never been much of a public speaker, however, the class size was very small and I knew almost everyone in the class from day 1, so that made giving speeches less nerve-racking. In addition, because of the small class size, I was really able to get to know Dr. Wood and, even this semester, although I am no longer in her class, I have kept in contact with her and she has assisted me in the decision-making process of selecting a major.

How many credits do you typically take?

I usually take 15 credits each semester. Of those credits, 6 of them are typically honors credits.

What other organizations have you been a part of?

In addition to being a member of the Honors College Student Association (HCSA), I am also on the committee for Relay for Life and I am a member of MiniTHON. I was recently selected to be an Orientation Leader for the upcoming semester. And I am currently looking into becoming a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) and also getting involved with the University Activities Board (UAB).

What was your favorite Honors College event? Why?

I have gone on quite a few trips during my short time here in the Honors College, but so far, my favorite trip would have to be going to Washington, DC! I had never been to DC before that day, so not only getting to visit there, but also being able to go into the different museums and walk around the area was really amazing! I was able to see the Washington Monument, the National Museum of Natural History, the Holocaust Museum, the National Air and Space Museum, the Capitol Building, and to top it all off, I got to see the White House!!! Overall, it was an amazing day and getting to go with such a great group of friends made it even better!

What community service events have you completed while in the honors college?  

During my time at 无忧短视频, I have volunteered to: participate in Day of Caring, deliver food for the Sugar Bowl twice, go trick-or-treating to raise money for MiniTHON, be a sign waiver at 2 of the open houses, go Christmas Caroling to raise money for Schreiber Pediatric Center, and participate in Relay for Life!

What advice would you give to incoming Freshman?

I would like to tell the incoming freshman to be yourself, get involved, don't be nervous, and don't be afraid to ask for help! You are entering into a whole new world and yes, it can be nerve-racking and life changing, however, there is no need to be worried. Everyone in the Honors College is nice, welcoming, and they are there to support you in any way they can. There are a plethora of clubs/organizations/sports available at 无忧短视频 so, as long as you are willing to put yourself out there and take the initiative, it is super easy to get involved! As for the classes, you may find that some of them can be very challenging. However, if you find yourself struggling in any of your coursework, all you need to do is take advantage of the tutoring center that we have on campus as well as the professor's office hours; the professors here at MU are very accommodating and they enjoy it when students come to visit them in their office hours!