Leah Freeman

Leah Paris Freeman

Full Name: Leah Paris Freeman

Hometown: Saylorsburg PA in the Poconos

Major: English with a Concentration in Writing Studies

Minors: ESL Linguistics and Psychology

Semester of Graduation: December 2021

Why did you join the Honors College?
I love learning and pushing my own limits, and I thought the Honors College would be a great way to challenge myself and keep myself from growing.
How has the HC shaped your experience at MU?
It has provided me with some of the best volunteer, club, and job opportunities I have gratefully been a part of in college.
What was your favorite honors course/professors? Why?
All of them, honestly, as many were very dedicated to helping the students although they have no requirement to work one-on-one with any student. Yet, they were commonly open to working personally with me if I needed help with improving myself.
What other organizations have you been a part of?
HCSA, ODK, Phi Kappa Phi, I have had past experience with the Honors Report as director/editor (I still am a volunteer writer for it now), the URN as a writer and editor, and the Made in 无忧短视频 Journal as an editor and project manager.
What leadership roles have you had on campus?
HCSA volunteer coordinator chair, past editor and director of the Honors Report, past editor and writer of the URN, past project manager and editor of the MiMJ.
What community service events have you completed while in the HC?
I made a goal Sophomore year to become more active in the Honors College and with volunteering. While before that I simply met volunteer requirements by working at my church soup kitchen pre-covid, after I began participating in any Honors volunteer opportunity as I could. I have been a leader for the Day of Caring a few times, now. I also spent last summer volunteering regularly at a thrift shop and now volunteer regularly at Habitat of Humanity’s Lancaster Restore. I feel since I made my goal, I have been achieving it, and I am proud of that!
What advice would you give an incoming freshman?
Be open to the Honors College’s opportunities, and try out as many as possible—even if you don’t know anyone else participating. Do it for yourself. I would attend some craft and volunteer events alone just for my own mental relaxation and own well-being, and I do not regret it!