Marauder Gold
Add Marauder Gold FUNDS to your ID Card and take advantage of Cash-free shopping both on and off campus!
What is Marauder Gold?
Marauder Gold is a declining balance program that works like a credit card in reverse. Money deposited into your Marauder Gold account may be used to make cash-free purchases at various on and off campus locations that display the Marauder Gold logo. Having a Marauder Gold account is more convenient than carrying cash.
Where can Marauder Gold funds be used?
Marauder Gold has been developed to add services and more flexibility to your I.D. card; it can be used both on and off campus. VIEW LIST
Who can join?
无忧短视频 students, faculty and staff who possess a valid 无忧短视频 identification card are eligible to participate in the Marauder Gold program.
How do I open a Marauder Gold account?
Maurader Gold is available as part of the swipe stripe on your student/employee ID. Activate it by making a deposit online via the Get website or the Parent/Third Party Payment Portal using a credit/debit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa).
Students: Login to the or mobile app.
Third Parties: Go to the Third Party Information page and look for Deposit Funds to Marauder Gold or Marauder Dining link near the bottom of the page.
How much can I deposit and is there a minimum balance required?
You can activate a Marauder Gold account with a minimum deposit of $50. There is no minimum balance required, and additional deposits of at least $25 can be added throughout the semester.
Can I check my Marauder Gold account balance at any time?
Marauder Gold balances may be checked online using the or mobile app. At the time of each transaction or purchase, your account balance will appear at the sales register. Account balance statements also are available through the University I.D. Office on a special request basis only.
Can I take cash out of my account?
No, cash withdrawals are not permitted. You can only make deposits to your Marauder Gold account. Balances remaining at the end of any semester will carry over to the next semester and will continue to be held until graduation or official withdrawal from the University.
What happens if I lose my card?
If you lose your ID card, you can stop by the ID Office in Boyer Building or call the office at extension 7008 weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. to invalidate your account. You may also suspend your card at any time by visiting the or via the mobile app. Replacement ID cards are available through the ID Office for a $25 charge.
Terms and Conditions
- Deposits to accounts may be made by cash, check, money order or credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa) or e-check. Marauder Gold accounts may be frozen for any returned checks used to establish accounts. There is a $35 fee for check and e-checks that are returned by the bank.
- Only one Marauder Gold account may be valid per person at any one time.
- The customer is responsible for monitoring the amount of each transaction, as well as for monitoring his/her account balance.
- Account balance statements are available through the University ID Office on a special request basis only.
- The customer is responsible for immediately reporting lost or stolen cards in person to the University ID Office. MU is not responsible for the use of any lost or stolen cards until the incident is reported. Upon notification, the ID Office will deactivate the account until the rightful plan owner has a new card processed or the plan holder reactivates his/her account in person at the ID Office.
- Marauder Gold is a pre-paid purchase plan. Monies deposited to this account may only be used at designated campus locations.
- Returned merchandise will be accepted according to the current return policy where the goods or services are purchased. Cash refunds will not be made.
- Account balances in the Marauder Gold plan will carry over to subsequent semesters. Refunds are given only in the case of graduation or formal withdrawal from the University.
- The cardholder agrees to abide by all rules, regulations, policies, and procedures specified by the University. Violations of such rules, regulations, policies, and/or procedures may result in cancellation of a cardholder's account. Future changes in terms or conditions regulating use of this card will apply to all cards in circulation and use at that time and will supersede the terms and conditions in effect at the time the card was acquired.