2020 Self-Study
2020 Self-Study Structure
The 2020 Self-Study consists of three major components:
- Coordinating Team
- Steering Committee
- Working Groups
The Coordinating Team
The Coordinating Team (CT), composed of Dr. Laurie Hanich, Educational Foundations, Dr. James Delle, Associate Provost for Academic Administration, and Dr. Lisa R. Shibley, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Assessment and Planning, facilitates and monitors all aspects of the self-study process including the development of relevant materials, training of participants, setting agendas, and organizing Steering Committee meetings. The CT provides direct guidance to Working Group Chairs, writes the self-study document, and coordinates the site team visit.
The Steering Committee
The Steering Committee provides oversight for the self-study and facilitates discussion of findings to achieve the University’s desired outcomes. Steering Committee members were chosen for their ability to maintain an institutional perspective, to engage in dialogue with their specific units, and to bring their units’ perception to bear on University-wide issues. Steering committee members serve as ambassadors for the self-study process. The Steering Committee is composed of 27 members of the university community who have been active in leadership roles and represent the breadth and scope of institutional activities. Members include appointees from faculty, administration, support services, the student body, and the Council of Trustees.
The Steering Committee is co-chaired by Drs. Hanich and Shibley. The Steering Committee meets every two weeks during the regular fall and spring semesters until May 2019 with additional meetings scheduled as necessary in 2019-20.
The Steering Committee’s participants include members from governance bodies including a member from the Council of Trustees, and the Presidents of the Faculty Senate, Student Senate, and faculty collective bargaining unit, APSCUF.
The Working Groups
Working groups’ analyses of evidence will be used to draft chapters for respective self-study standards, enhance the evidence inventory, demonstrate meeting the requirements of affiliation, and identify areas of improvement and innovation. The Working Groups range in size from ten to thirteen members and each is led by two co-chairs a faculty member and an administrator. Working Group co-chairs serve on the Middle States Steering Committee. WG Chairs were appointed for demonstrated understanding of institutional effectiveness and ability to make accountability transparent to the university stakeholders.
Appointed members of Working Group have experience relating to the standard(s) assigned to that group or were appointed by other groups. Membership of working groups may evolve as needed.
The seven accreditation standards are distributed across four Working Groups, with some groups addressing more than one standard. Another Working Group will focus on The current plan is that the Self-Study will have one chapter for each standard.
2020 Self Study Timeline
The process includes three phases:
Self-Study Design (July 2017 to September 2018)
Self-Study Process (September 2018 to January 2020)
Site Visit (September 13-16, 2020)
For a more detailed timeline, View PDF