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100 Years Since Tolaas: Bacterial Blotch of Mushrooms in the 21 st Century.

Faculty Author(s): Ramos-Sepulveda L
Student Author(s): -
Department: BIOL
Publication: Plant disease
Year: 2019
Abstract: Among the biotic constraints of common mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus ) production, bacterial blotch is considered the most important mushroom disease in terms of global prevalence and economic impact. Etiology and management of bacterial blotch has been a major concern since its original description in 1915. Although Pseudomonas tolaasii is thought to be the main causal agent, various Pseudomonas species, as well as organisms from other genera have been reported to cause blotch symptoms on mushroom caps. In this review, we provide an updated overview on the etiology, epidemiology, and management strategies of bacterial blotch disease. First, diversity of the causal agent(s) and utility of high throughput sequencing-based approaches in the precise characterization and identification of blotch pathogen(s) is explained. Further, due to the limited options for use of conventional pesticides in mushroom farms against blotch pathogen(s), we highlight the role of balanced threshold of relative humidity and temperature in mushroom farms to combat the disease in organic and conventional production. Additionally, we discuss the possibility of the use of biological control agents (either antagonistic mushroom-associated bacterial strains or bacteriophages) for blotch management as one of the sustainable approaches for 21 st century agriculture. Finally, we aim to elucidate the association of mushroom microbiome in cap development and productivity on one hand, and blotch incidence/outbreaks on the other hand.

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