Training & Workshops

Faculty Training & Workshops

无忧短视频 provides various grant training and workshops throughout the year. Please check this page often for upcoming training and workshop events. 

Faculty Training & Workshops 

CITI Training

Student Training & Workshops 

 Workshops will be scheduled and available each semester. All workshops will be posted on this website and announced on Ville Daily. 



The STR Program serves as a six-month professional development opportunity for undergraduate students and faculty/mentors interested in garnering communication and advocacy skills to leverage the impact of their undergraduate experience by conveying their story to stakeholder groups such as funding agencies, association partners, elected officials, future employers, community, and beyond.  The cost of the program is broken down in the link learn more below. This includes the required October online kick-off training and the required November in-person program; however, travel and lodging are an additional expense.

Application Deadline: September 7, 2023

Contact: Jeffry Porter

CITI Training

citiAnyone who plans to be a principal investigator on a grant is required to complete CITI Training Modules for Conduct of Research.


Required Modules for Grant PIs: Responsible Conduct of Research


Faculty Training & Workshops

When Workshops/Webinars are scheduled they will also be posted and announced in 'Ville Daily.

GrantForward Webinar:  

 12:00-1:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The webinar will be delivered entirely online via Zoom.  Join Zoom Meeting: 

GrantForward is a service that is available to all 无忧短视频 faculty and students, providing users with access to a rich collection of funding information, including but not limited to aggregation of opportunities like research grants, fellowships, awards, internships, etc., from multiple types of sponsors such as Federal, State, Foundation, University, Private Firms, International entities, etc. This webinar will cover the basics of using GrantForward to find the best-fit funding opportunities for your projects. General areas to be discussed include-- how to create accounts, search for grants, receive personalized recommendations, and learn strategic information.

Student Training & Workshops

Poster Basics    


When Workshops/Webinars are scheduled they will also be posted and announced in 'Ville Daily. 

Council on Undergraduate Research, CUR Dialogues | Guided February 14-17, 2023 Standard February 15-17, 2023

Whether you are writing a grant proposal, navigating the ins and outs of finding funding for your undergraduate research (UR) program or just trying to figure out where to start, the entire process can feel like climbing a mountain. CUR Dialogues was created to present an accessible platform for the UR community to discuss the many available possibilities of funding and grants with federal agency program officers and other grant funders. CUR Dialogues offers the UR community a journey up that steep hill when developing program initiatives that call for future funding. 
The goals of CUR Dialogues are:
  • Provide information for those getting started in the funding and grants processes
  • Deliver practical advice and case studies 
  • Offer encouragement and support for those on the journey of seeking funding
  • Give space for dialogue between stakeholders
  • Build collaboration with research officers
  • Support faculty/sponsored research teams
National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Students and Faculty - April 13-15, 2023

Abstract submission opens October 3, 2022.

NCUR will be hosted by University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in the picturesque city of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. The theme, Research at the Confluence, represents a "bringing together" of artistic fields and other disciplines. This theme not only represents the goal of the conference but Eau Claire itself. Eau Claire was founded at the confluence of the Eau Claire and Chippewa rivers, and this site is now home to the Pablo Center at the Confluence, the performing arts complex that will play a major role in NCUR programming. For any questions about NCUR 2023, please reach out to us at

Council on Undergraduate Research, CONNECTUR 2022 Annual Conference | Online June 22-23, 2023 Onsite, Pittsburgh, PA June 26-28, 2023

The inaugural ConnectUR conference will provide a forum where attendees can draw on knowledge exchange, scholarship of teaching and learning, group discussion, and community building to expand their approaches to undergraduate research. This conference is open to all individuals with a commitment to or interest in undergraduate research. Overall this conference will focus on the areas of leadership for undergraduate research; diversity, equity, and inclusion; advocacy and partnership; collaboration and community; and accountability and sustainability.