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Supporting the Mental Health Needs of First Generation College Students.

Faculty Author(s): House, Lisa A.
Student Author(s): Neal, Chelsea; Kolb, Jason
Department: Counseling and Human Development
Publication: Journal of College Student Psychotherapy
Year: 2020
Abstract: First-generation college students (FGCS) experience the same challenges as non-first-generation students (NFGCS), but they also face their own unique stressors such as a lack of academic preparation, absence of support from family and friends, and difficult cultural transitions. A combination of these factors may put them at higher risk for mental health problems, lower retention rates, and lower graduation rates. The goal of this study is to assess whether differences in mental health variables, social support, academics, and financial distress exist between FGCS and NFGCS seeking services at a university counseling center. Findings from this study showed that FGCS reported significantly more academic distress, work hours, and financial distress than NFGCS. There were no significant differences in regards to mental health variables, perceived social and family support, or academic success. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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