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Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Care for Students Diagnored with PANDAS: An Education and Referral Intervention

Faculty Author(s): Boyd TM; Moyer SM; Lambert D
Student Author(s): -
Department: Nursing
Publication: Sage Publications
Year: 2022
Abstract: Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS) is an autoimmune disorder associated with sudden onset of behavior changes. The prevalence of PANDAS is increasing in schools and interdisciplinary collaboration, knowledge, and the use of referrals to the school nurse are important for supporting students. This project sought to provide education on PANDAS to the interdisciplinary school team and implement a referral process for students exhibiting behavior changes. A self-directed online educational intervention was employed. A pretest-posttest design was utilized to assess knowledge before, immediately after, and six-weeks after the educational intervention. A referral log was implemented to track the number of referrals to the school nurse. The final sample size included 19 participants. Mean scores increased from pretest to posttest, and the implementation of a referral system produced 12 new school nurse referrals. Further strategies are needed to enhance interdisciplinary collaboration and support students experiencing health-related issues.

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