Biology Student Investigator Grant
Biology Student Investigator (BSI) grants are available to support student research. Any student engaged in independent research is eligible to apply although first preference will be given to students enrolled in a BIOL 498 or 499 (Independent Study or Honors Thesis).
The project for which a student is seeking funding may be part of a larger faculty research venture. Joint projects or projects with multiple faculty sponsors are acceptable.
Funds may be used for the acquisition of supplies or equipment needed for the research project. Equipment items will become the property of the Department of Biology at 无忧短视频. Out-of-town travel and accommodations essential for completion of the research may be funded. Ordinary living expenses and travel to and from campus are not eligible. Funds will be available for use until one semester after the student recipient has graduated.
Awards will be placed in a student grant account to which charges can be made directly using conventional budget practices. Faculty supervisors should consult with the Biology Department Budget Coordinator or the Departmental Secretary responsible for budget matters if they have questions about correct procedures. When travel is planned, the necessary paperwork, including travel request and travel reimbursement forms, must be completed in a timely manner. Receipts need to accompany all requests for reimbursement.
Upon completion of the project, awardees will be required to submit a final describing their results along with a final accounting of how the funds were used to their faculty sponsor and to The Office of Sponsored Programs.
Application Requirements
Applications should include all the following components. Proposals lacking any of these may be disqualified from consideration. The application will require basic student information including:
- Student Name; Major (Option); Credits earned overall/in biology
- Name of Faculty Supervisor (s): Include full name of individual and their department.
- Project Title: One phrase that succinctly states the experimental goal(s) of the project.
- Project Abstract: Brief statement (abstract, 200 words or less) of project goals and its scientific value.
The application form allows for rich text formatting in the narrative section. Use the headings in bold below to mark the sections of your proposal. If you are requesting funds to attend a conference, please attach a submitted abstract or copy of the registration form or meeting announcement. If this documentation is not yet available the letter from your faculty supervisor should describe meeting attendance plans.
Introduction: A clear narrative that explains the problem to be investigated, the purpose of the proposed project, scientific objectives, and if possible the exact hypotheses to be tested. This section should also include background information with a thorough review demonstrating the student’s familiarity with primary literature relevant to the project. Students should consult with their faculty sponsor to ensure that all information is appropriately and correctly cited using established scientific format.
Methods: This section should include a description of the research planned and the estimated time needed for each phase of the project. Details about experimental design, a clear description of the study site (if a field project), and (when appropriate) explanations about statistical analyses planned are important. The student should describe details about control vs. experimental conditions, and replication planned for their experiments. Explanations of how the experiments will contribute toward the stated scientific objectives are important. Include a description of when each phase of the project is expected to be completed.
Expected Outcome: A brief description of what the student hopes to gain through this experience. This should include: how the project results will contributie to science knowledge; ways in which the training will benefit the student in the future; plans to present the results at scientific meetings; plans to publish results of the research.
Budget: This section should list necessary supplies, equipment and travel along with accurate costs and a justification for why each item is required for the project. Students should determine the most economical source for supplies (Roddy Storeroom, MU agreements with Fisher or VWR). Total mileage needed to complete the project should be calculated as accurately as possible at the university accepted rate per mile. Budgets lacking details or valid prices may result in reduced award amounts. A sample format of the budget section is provided on the next page. Please follow this format carefully.
Literature Cited: List all references cited throughout the application alphabetically and using formatted correctly for a scientific journal. Make sure the format is consistent. The literature cited should be attached and any other required documents should be attached to the proposal using the "Uploads" button found at bottom of the application.
Letter of Support: from the Biology Faculty Member who is sponsoring the research project must be included. This should address the feasibility of the project and describe how involvement in the project will train the student in the methods and values of scientific research. The faculty sponsor should upload their letter of support when they are asked to approve the proposal after the student has submitted.
After the letter of support has been attached and the faculty mentor approves te application, it will be forwarded to the BSI committee for review. Proposals must be submitted by the first Friday in December.
All inquiries and applications should be directed to Mr. Jeffry Porter by email