Positive Energy Fund



Projects funded through the Positive Energy Fund raise awareness of the inter-connected economic, social and environmental challenges confronting the world and accelerate local solutions to those challenges. Projects must show a clear link to the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

reflecting a collective ambition to work together as a global community to solve the grand challenges of our time. The goals are at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was adopted by the United Nations Member States in 2015 and provides a shared blueprint for governments, non-profits, businesses and higher education to work for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

Awards from the Positive Energy Fund will support on- or off-campus scholarly or creative projects that 1) have beneficial environmental or social impacts and/or 2) broaden the awareness of, or engagement in, the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

Funding will be given to new projects only. Completed and “in progress” projects will not be considered. Projects may be new work contributing to an existing venture, such as adding a community outreach component to an existing grant is allowable.

The maximum awarded is $2,500.

Applying for a Positive Energy Fund
To apply for grants through the Positive Energy Fund, faculty, staff and/or students must complete an online application, which includes project narrative describing your project, a budget and budget justification.

The narrative section of the online form allows for proposals of up 10,000 characters including spaces. This is about 5 double spaced pages, 12 pt Times New Roman. References cited and any supplementary information can be attached at the bottom of the page using the “Uploads” button.

Below is an optional template for providing the required Project Narrative as part of a Positive Energy Fund application. Please note that this template corresponds very closely with the selection crtiteria listed below.

  • Project Description
    • Please provide a brief description of the projec
  • Applicable Global Goals
    • Please specify the Global Goals that are supported by your project.
  • Localize the Global Goals:
    • How will this project beneficially impact Lancaster County while raising awareness of the Global Goals?
  • Demonstrate Goal Interdependence:
    • How will this project create positive feedbacks between or otherwise support multiple Global Goals?
  • Create and Support Partnerships:
    • How will this project create and support partnerships between 无忧短视频’s faculty, staff and students and Lancaster County businesses, organizations, municipalities and/or community groups?
  • Beneficially, Substantially and Demonstrably Impact Communities:
    • How will this project using an evaluation plan with formative or summative assessments and either qualitative or quantitative metrics?
  • Demonstrate Growing Impact:
    • How will this project have long-term beneficial consequences for the community?
  • Promote Effectively:
    • How will this project use social media, conferences, and/or other engagement platforms to promote the work?
  • Demonstrate Scalability:
    • Could this project be scaled to help achieve the Global Goals in other parts of the world? If so, please describe how.

A list if sources to help with your application can be found HERE.

Applicants must submit applications by 4:00 PM of the last Friday in March

Selection Criteria
Preferred consideration will be given to applications that:

  • Localize the Global Goals by implementing projects impacting Lancaster County while raising awareness of the Global Goals.
  • Demonstrate Goal Interdependence by creating positive feedbacks between or supporting progress in multiple goal areas.
  • Create and Support Partnerships between the MU community and the wider Lancaster County community
  • Beneficially, Substantially and Demonstrably Impact Communities through the use of an evaluation plan with formative or summative assessments and either qualitative or quantitative metrics.
  • Demonstrate Growing Impact by incorporating a vision for how the work can have long-term beneficial consequences for the community
  • Promote Effectively through social media, conferences, and/or any of the Global Goal supported engagement platforms
  • Encourage Student Leadership and Innovation by prioritizing projects that are conceptualized by a student or students.
  • Encourage Mentorship by prioritizing projects that have clear faculty or staff mentors.
  • Demonstrate Scalability by providing a vision for how the project could be easily transferred to achieve the global goals in other parts of the world.

Expenditure Procedures

  • Grants will be placed in an account to which charges can be made directly using conventional budget practices.
  • Faculty and staff supervisors should consult with their departmental secretary for questions pertaining to correct budget management procedures.
  • For travel, all necessary paperwork (including travel request and reimbursement forms) must be completed according to University travel policies.
  • All purchases must be made in accordance with University purchasing policies, including providing receipts for all purchases.

The following costs are not allowable:

  • MU tuition and/or fees
  • Wages (Student Wages are a permissible expense, funds can be used to cover but cannot be more than 50% of total funds requested)
  • Preparation or binding of theses
  • Equipment available through the sponsoring department or University
  • Membership in professional associations
  • Conference excursions or events that are not part of the regular conference fee.
  • Ordinary living expenses and travel to and from campus.

 Grant Requirements:

  • Grant recipients are required to submit a brief summary report or video to the Positive Energy Committee within one year of the date of award. The summary report or video should describe the project purpose, anticipated outcomes, and actual outcomes. Creativity is encouraged.
  • Undergraduate student award recipients are required to present at in the Spring Semester following the year of award. Please contact Dr. Rene Munoz for additional information regarding Made in 无忧短视频.
  • Graduate students are highly encouraged to present their work at a major national or international conference.
  • All supplies and equipment purchased through the award will become the property of the faculty or staff department after the project is completed.