Student Scholars & Faculty Mentors
Projects funded by our internal grants program. Search the table to find students or faculty mentors that share in your interests, and could help you achieve your goals in research, creative activity, or service.
Incorporation of Alanine in place of Glutamic Acid 121 in E.Coli
Name: Gonzalez Torres,
Advisor: Melissa Mullen Davis
Department: CHEM
Award: Student Research Grant
Abstract: Bacteria must adapt to their environment to survive various change in conditions such as temperature changes, water scarcity, or even malicious molecules. One of many survival methods includes glyoxylate bypass, an alternate route that skips any CO2 evolving steps in the Kreb Cycle. The bypass is regulated by a protein known as the Isocitrate lyase regulator (IclR). This protein compromises DNA binding domain and binds to pyruvate and glyoxylate molecules. We will be preforming mutagenesis by incorporating Alanine in place of Glutamic Acid 121 to see if it will disrupt protein multimerization.