Courses with 2SLGBTQ Content

无忧短视频's Courses with 2SLGBTQIA Focus

Students looking for courses with a 2SLGBTQ+ focus or content should explore the courses listed below.

ART Courses

Art 305/WSTU 448: Women in Art (G1, W, D)

Description: This course will address the relationships between gender and the visual arts, with an emphasis on art and culture since World War II. This class explores the role of the visual in constructing ideas of “woman” and how women artists have addressed these constructions in their works and in their lives. Students will critically examine the ways Western culture has defined art and artists in gendered terms and will extend this study to contemporary art practice with attention to intersectionality and difference. 


Taught by Christine Filippone

Biology Courses

BIOL 207: Human Sexuality (D, G2, W)

Description: Study of the nature of human sexuality, particularly as it relates to biological phenomena. Discussions and films will cover the biology of human reproduction, biology of human sexual behavior and its implications. 3 hrs. lec. Offered periodically. 


Taught by Dominique Didier

Communication & Theatre Courses

COMM 333: Gender and Communication (D)

Description: Examines theoretical explanations for the social construction of gendered identity. Considers everyday communication practices and contexts to identify how gender, communication and culture intersect to form the complex matrix of meaning which impacts individuals and society. Offered


Taught by Jessica Hughes


ANTH 344: Gender, Race, Class (P)

Description: The intersecting role of gender, race and class on human social life in the United States and in other cultures. An interdisciplinary and comparative examination of the ways social categories define, limit and liberate human potential. Offered annually. 


Taught by Justin Garcia


SOCY 319: Social Stratification (G3)

Description:The development of social inequality by race, ethnicity, class, gender and nationality. The social construction of race and gender; various theories of class distribution. Inequality in education, housing and the workplace is discussed. Global instances of inequalities are also discussed. Offered periodically.


Taught by Kimberly Mahaffy 


SOCY 337: Gender and the Law (G3)

Description: Analyzes how the courts and the law construct gender, and how these social constructions of gender in the law impact individuals, families, groups and institutions. Examines the lives of women and girls as offenders, prisoners, victims/survivors and workers in the criminal justice system from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. Analyzes how the intersections of sexism, racism, heterosexism and classism impact the lives of individuals and communities in regard to criminality.


Taught by Frederika Schmitt


EDUC 330:  LGBTQ+ Issues in Education (P)

EDUC 330 will next be offered in Spring 2025 and it is appropriate for ALL majors. 

Description: Provides an overview of past, current, and emerging LGBTQ+ issues, policies, and advocacy in P-12 and higher education. Investigates these issues from a variety of historical, cultural, and theoretical perspectives.

Also available in Honors curriculum.


Taught by Susannah Boyle


ENGL 240 Introduction to Film (G1, W for Honors)

Description: Course features 3-4 weeks of discussion of intersectionality of race, class, gender, and sexuality as portrayed in films.

Sample Syllabus

Taught by Jill Craven


ENGL 242 Reading Our World: Gender and Sexuality (G1, W)

Description: This is a survey course examining several forms of literature from the past through the present concerned with literary and other representations of various gender and sexual identities and expressions.  These representations may include, for instance, fiction, non-fiction and film among others.  ENGL 242 is intended to be a reading, writing, literary analysis, and discussion course—much like a high-powered reading group—for the “general reader” and the literature enthusiast/specialist alike.  The texts I’ve selected for this semester will, I hope, allow us to examine a wide range of human experiences and literary forms and styles.  Some deal with very contemporary matters, while some will provide a historical perspective.

Sample Syllabus

Taught by Dominic Ording 


ENGL 232 World Literature II Themes of Gender and Sexuality (G1)

Description: This is a survey course examining several forms of literature from the past through the present concerned especially with gender and sexuality studies.  These forms include fiction, and may also include drama and non-fiction.  In fact, form and content—and their relation—will be one of the themes we explore.  ENGL 232 is intended to be a reading, writing, literary analysis, and discussion course-much like a high-powered reading group-for the "general reader" and the literature enthusiast/specialist alike.  The texts I've selected for this semester will, I hope, allow us to examine a wide range of human experiences and literary forms and styles.  Some deal with very contemporary matters, while some will provide a historical perspective


Taught by Dominic Ording 

Latina (o) Studies Courses

LATS 488: Senior Seminar: Latina Consciousness (W)

Description: In the United States, Chicanas have defined Latina feminism through their numeric majority and prolific writings. We begin with an examination of their contributions to the 20th century Chicana/o and feminist movements. Because we recognize that survival is often sustained through testimonios, we will examine the published testimonios of Latinas. The course culminates with creating a collection of testimonios with Latinas whom we know. The course is designed as a seminar which means that the students are responsible for substantive, meaningful discussions.


Taught by Kimberly Mahaffy 

MUSIC Courses

MUSI 207: Love Songs Through The Ages (G1, D)

Description: Exploration of sex positive themes in vocal music. Lecture, live and recorded musical demonstration, discussion and analysis.  This course addresses diversity through a discussion of sex positivity and how this idea relates to feminism and topics within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) community, and with other related topics such as marriage, monogamy, courtship rituals and the like. While this is a music course and thus provides specific information about how music achieves its expressive ends, it also provides a broad perspective on relevant human issues and how music not only reflects, but also helps to transmit and to shape human values.


Taught by Allen Howell 


MUSI 263: Popular Music (G1, D)

Description: Musical derivatives and development of American pop, jazz and rock styles. Lecture, live and recorded musical demonstration, discussion and analysis. Offered fall, spring.


Taught by Allen Howell 


PSYC 227: Development of a Child (G3)

Description temporarily unavailable

Sample Syllabus temporarily unavailable

Taught by Karena Rush



SOWK 350: Encounters in Human Diversity (D, P)

Description: An upper-level, multicultural, interdisciplinary, interactive course designed to enhance students’ knowledge, skills and values relative to working with people in professional situations within a diversity-embracing atmosphere. Focuses on the various differences in communication styles brought about by gender and culture. Designed for students whose anticipated careers are primarily oriented to direct work with people

Sample Syllabus temporarily unavailable 

Taught by Joyous Bethel

Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Courses

WGSS 220: Introduction to Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies (G3)

Description: Interdisciplinary and multicultural study of gender roles and relationships and the ways they differ among women and men by race, ethnicity, class and sexual orientation. Overview of theoretical perspectives on gender and examination of contemporary issues facing women. Offered fall, spring.


Taught by Kimberly Mahaffy 


WGSS 330: Feminist Theory (P)

Description: This course explores diverse strains of feminist theory, including liberal, radical, black, global, socialist/Marxist and lesbian feminisms. This is a required course for all WGSS minors.


Taught by Frederika Schmitt