Green Dot

Green Dot

green dot logo
The goal of Green Dot is to implement a bystander intervention strategy that prevents and reduces power-based personal violence.  Power-based violence includes:  sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. A Green Dot is a behavior, choice, or action that promotes safety for everyone.
We conduct bystander intervention trainings for students, faculty, staff and administrators.  
Please join us to continue to change the culture on our campus, where ALL of us look out for each other and intervene to help one another.
green dot students at purple carnival
Green Dot at Purple Carnival, 2022

Upcoming Trainings:

April 13, 2023 from 4-7 p.m. in the Ford Atrium. 



Previous Student Leader Bystander Training Participants
Previous Student Leader Bystander Training Participants