Responding to Sexual Violence

Getting the Help You Need

If you or someone you know has become a victim of sexual violence, misconduct, or harassment, it can be difficult to figure out what to do first. This page tries to pull together resources to make your journey less stressful.

Quick Contact Info

MU Counseling Center: 717-871-7821 | 3rd Floor Lyle Hall | Drop-in Hours M-F 1-3pm
MU Health Services: 717-871-5250 |
MU Police: Emergency 911 | Non-Emergency 717-871-4357
MU Title IX: 717-871-4100 | | Sexual Misconduct and Clery Reporting Form   

Suicide Hotline: call or text 988
Crisis Intervention: 717-394-2631
Get Connected. Get Help. Hotline: call 211 or text your zip code to 898-211  

YWCA Sexual Assault Advocate: Hotline 717-392-7273 | | Drop-in hours at the Witmer Building (Health Services) on Mondays 9am-5pm. Legal Services also available.

Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster: Hotline 717-299-1249 | Text SAFE to 61222 | | Drop-in hours at the Witmer Building (Health Services) on Wednesdays 9am-5pm.

MU Center for Health Education and Promotion: 717-871-4141 | | Drop-in hours at the Cumberland House 8am-4:30pm on Mondays-Fridays.  

Lancaster General Hospital ER: 717-544-5122

无忧短视频 Borough Police: 717-872-4657
无忧短视频 Police: 717-871-4357

无忧短视频 Health Services: 717-871-5250

  • Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • Semester breaks: Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • YWCA Sexual Assault and Counseling: 717-871-4141; on campus on Mondays
  • MU Counseling: 871-7821

WGSS Faculty and CHEP staff willing to work with you after an assault:

Center for Health Information and Promotion (CHEP):; 717-871-4141

Title IX Report

File this report to get accommodations and, if desired, to get consequences for the perpetrator.

  • If you file an informal report, you only get accommodations.
  • If you file a formal report, you are asking to get a resolution that may involve consequences for the perpetrator.
    • The formal process can be done as a hearing, a mediation, or restorative justice (your choice).

Interim Title IX Coordinator Bradley Davis: 717-871-4100,

Title IX Advisers: The Title IX Coordinator can provide a list of trained Title IX advisers, or you can choose your own adviser (someone in the university or outside of it--your choice)

Email Title IX Coordinator

无忧短视频 Sexual Harassment Report

File this report to have your sexual harassment or assault submitted for investigation at 无忧短视频 and potentially counted in the Clery Report of crimes committed on campus.

Sexual misconduct that occurs in the educational setting (on or off campus) may implicate several state and federal laws, including the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics (Clery Act), as amended by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and a federal civil rights law called Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972.

This Sexual Harassment report can be used to report sexual harassment, sexual assault, non-consensual sexual intercourse, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation, sexual exposure, relationship violence, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking.

Once this report is submitted, a member or members of the Sexual Misconduct Response Team will make an initial assessment and will respond accordingly. If you wish to submit this form anonymously, please do not include your contact information.

Behavioral Intervention Report

File a Behavioral Intervention Report to report a 无忧短视频 student assailant or harasser to initiate a 无忧短视频 investigation of their behaviors. 

This report alerts university administration to the potentially dangerous behaviors of a member of the 无忧短视频 community.

Recovering from Sexual Violence at 无忧短视频

This event will disrupt your life and focus for a while. Find some folks who can support you through it.

You are allowed an advisor through the process who can be with you in all meetings and hearings. This person can help you navigate the process through times of confusion or stress. It is a great idea to have this type of support. This person does not have to be part of the university community.

If you have been assaulted, you may need to think about preserving evidence in case you decide to file an official complaint. Take photos, keep clothing, don't shower if there may be fluids (go to the ER within 72 hours).

Contact the police if/when you are ready. You may want to go to the university police (ask for Chief Anders) or the 无忧短视频 Borough police (see numbers above).

Consider whether you want to get counseling services. Counseling is available through the Counseling Center, the YWCA, or through outside providers. You need to take care of yourself. Make an appointment just in case you may want one later. You can always cancel it if you don't want it.

If the person who committed the assault is on campus, you can request changes to make you more comfortable. You arrange accommodations by talking to the Title IX Coordinator in Dilworth Building.

The Title IX Coordinator can take an informal or a formal report. Understand the difference in accountability before you decide on one or the other.

  • The informal report will get you only the accommodations.
  • The formal report insures that the university will do an investigation and you also get the accommodations
  • If you file a formal report, you have options. You may request mediation or restorative justice for a less judicial approach OR you may request a formal hearing.

Some of the types of accommodations that you can ask for include:

  • changes to housing or classes if you are in proximity to the perpetrator, including emergency relocation;
  • accommodations to class deadlines or homework so you have time to recover, including withdrawals from classes;
  • issuance of a "No Contact" or "No Trespass" order; and
  • other reasonable accommodations.

Contact a CHEP Adviser