Dr. Heather Girvin
Associate Professor in Social Work

Contact Information
Office: Stayer Hall I Room 317
Phone: 717.871.7181
Fax: 717.871.7941
Heather Girvin, Associate Professor, teaches in the BSW, MSW, and DSW programs at 无忧短视频. Dr. Girvin earned her Bachelor of Sciences in Sociology from Dickinson College and a Master’s Degree in Social Service and doctorate in social work from Bryn Mawr Graduate School of Social Work & Social Research. Dr. Girvin’s practice experience centers on children and families, primarily in child protective services and foster care. She has worked in residential programs and public child welfare agencies; provided in-home services; and worked as an out-patient therapist.
TEACHING Interests
After teaching at Bryn Mawr Graduate School of Social Work & Social Research and The University of Maryland, Graduate School of Social Work, Dr. Girvin arrived at 无忧短视频 during the inaugural year of the MSW program. She has been instrumental in the development and accreditation of that program and continues at its helm. Dr. Girvin teaches across all program levels, focusing primarily on courses that relate to diversity and cultural competence, child welfare, family violence, and social theory. Dr. Girvin is dedicated to the development and implementation of active and innovative learning, emphasizing critical thinking as a mechanism by which students learn to be competent practitioners.
Dr. Girvin’s research has centered on families and children, with overarching interests in trauma, social justice, and social change. Dr. Girvin has completed evaluations of child maltreatment prevention and treatment programs and partnered with colleagues to develop, implement, and assess interventions that address trauma and violence. More recently, Dr. Girvin has adopted a more global perspective, traveling with colleagues to South Africa, Haiti, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua to participate in service learning projects with students and conduct research. Her interest in trauma experienced by families continues, with increased interest in methods of “helping” and the use of the expressive arts strategies to address trauma and activate social change processes.
- Rice, K. & Girvin, H. (July, 2014). Lincoln Middle School Long-Term Residency: Final Report. Final evaluation report prepared for Family Arts Collaborative and Pennsylvania Council of the Arts.
- Rice, K. & Girvin, H. (May, 2014). MUth Theater Program Evaluation. Final evaluation report prepared for Family Arts Collaborative, MUth Theater.
- Rice, K., & Girvin, H. (2014). Engaging families, building relationships:Strategies for working across systems from a social exchange perspective. Advances in Social Work, 15,
- Rice, K., Girvin, H., & Primak, S. (2014) Engaging adolescent youth in foster care through photography. Child Care Journal, 20, 37-47. Retrieved from
- Rice, K., Primak, S., & Girvin, H. (2013) Through their eyes: Using photography with youth who experienced trauma. The Qualitative Report, 18, 1-14. Retrieved from
- Rice, K., Girvin, H., & Laspino, J. (October, 2012). Through Their Eyes: Training Manual for Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Programs. 无忧短视频, PA: 无忧短视频 of PA.
- Rice, K., & Girvin, H. (2011). Building relationships across systems to enhance resiliency and improve foster care outcomes. Contemporary Rural Social Work, 3, 50-58.
- Rice, K., & Girvin, H. (Summer, 2010). Using a strengths-based perspective to change perceptions: An exploratory study. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 15(2), 1-16.
- Girvin, H., DePanfilis, D., & Daining, C. (2007). Predicting program completion among families enrolled in a child neglect preventive intervention. Research on Social Work Practice, 17(6), 674-685.
- Littell, J.H., & Girvin, H. (December, 2006). Correlates of problem recognition and intention to change among caregivers of abused and neglected children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 30(12), 1381-1399.
- DePanfilis, D., & Girvin, H. (2005). Investigating child maltreatment in out-of-home care: Barriers to effective decision-making. Children and Youth Services Review, 27, 353-374.
- Littell, J.H., & Girvin, H.(2005). Caregivers’ readiness for change: Predictive validity in a child welfare sample. Child Abuse & Neglect, 29(1), 59-80.
- Girvin, H. (2004). Beyond ‘stages of change:’ Using readiness for change and caregiver-reported problems to identify meaningful subgroups in a child welfare sample. Children and Youth Services Review, 26(10), 897-917.
- Littell, J.H, & Girvin, H. (2004). Ready or not: Uses of the stages of change model in child welfare. Child Welfare, 83(4), 341-366.
- Littell, J.H., & Girvin, H. (2002). Stages of change: A critique. Behavior Modification, 26(2), 223-273.
- Girvin, H. (2000). Mothers and illicit drugs: Transcending the myths, by Susan C. Boyd, reviewed by Heather Girvin. Contemporary Drug Problems, 27, 383-389.
- “For the Blood of Gaia: Betsy Damon’s Quest for Living Water”, Woman’s Art Journal 39, no. 1 (Spring 2018): 3-11.
- Rice, K. & Girvin, H. Cultural competency: Exploring dimensions of oppression. Training presented at CASA Volunteer Training, Lancaster, PA, August 4, 2014.
- Girvin, H., Rice, K., & Foels, L. Rurality: Global perspective. Paper presented at 39th Annual National Institute for Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas: Building Bridges: Embracing Diversity, Silver City, NM, July 16-18, 2014
- Rice, K., Girvin, H. Through Their Eyes: Using photo-elicitation to explore bullying and promote change. Paper presented at 1st Annual Learning Institute Conference: Global Youth: Understanding Challenges, Identifying Solutions, Offering Hope, Lancaster, PA, July 9-10, 2014
- Rice, K., Girvin, H. Arts-based treatment with youth exposed to trauma. Six-hour Continuing Education (CEU) workshop presented as part of the Learning Institute: Global Well-Being and Social Change, 无忧短视频, February 7, 2014.
- Rice, K., Foels, L., & Girvin, H. Measuring cultural competence among undergraduate students. Poster presented at Council on Social Work Education 59th Annual Program Meeting: Global Social Work: The World is Here, in Dallas, TX, October 31-November 3, 2013.
- Short, M., Rice, K., Girvin, H. Family Arts Collaborative: Building and sustaining relationships. Paper presented at the 37th Annual National Institute for Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas Conference: Rural Social Work at the Crossroads: Building Capacity, Nurturing Sustainability, Nashville, IN, July 15-18, 2012.
- Rice, K., & Girvin, H. Differences in power: An ethnographic study of child welfare dependency hearings. Paper presented at the Human Rights, Social Justice, and Qualitative Research Forum. Fordham University, New York, NY, April 21, 2012.
- Girvin, H., Rice, K., & Johnson, D. Writing across the social work curriculum: Facing challenges, assessing need, planning strategies. Workshop presented at the 57th Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting: Increasing Access: Confronting Disparity and Inequality. Atlanta, GA, October 27-30, 2011.
- Girvin, H. & Rice, K. Utilizing focus groups as a means for program evaluation. Workshop presented at the annual National Association of Social Workers-Pennsylvania Conference: Strengthening the Fabric of Society.Lancaster, PA, October 13-15, 2011.
- Rice, K., & Girvin, H. Through their eyes: Using photography to mitigate the effects of trauma. Paper presented at the Be the Evidence: Arts for Change Forum. Fordham University, New York, NY, September 24, 2011.
- Rice, K., & Girvin, H. What matters: Understanding and honoring youths’ culture. Paper presented at the 36thAnnual Rural Social Work Institute: A Place to Call Home: Honoring Family and Culture in Rural Social Work Practice. Natchitoches, LA, July 14-16, 2011.
- Girvin, H. & Rice, K. Engaging families, building relationships: Strategies for working across systems. Paper presented at the annual The Field Center for Children’s Policy, Practice & Research: One Child, Many Hands: A Multidisciplinary Conference on Child Welfare. Philadelphia, PA, June 8-10, 2011.
- Laspino, J., Rice, K., & Girvin, H. Through their eyes. Workshop to be presented at the annual Pennsylvania Court-Appointed Special Advocate Conference. Summerdale, PA, June 20-21, 2011.
- Girvin, H., & Rice, K. Developing cultural competence. Training presented to new CASA volunteers at CASA of Lancaster County, Lancaster, PA, April 14, 2011.
- Girvin, H., & Rice, K. Using social exchange theory to remake management in public child welfare. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Network for Social Work Managers: Remaking Management for the 21st Century: Vision, Technology, Practice. Baltimore, MD, April 28-29, 2011.
- Rice, K., Girvin, H., & Laspino, J. Through their eyes. Workshop presented at the 2011 National CASA Conference: Building Hope for Youth. Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2011.
- Girvin, H. A training to develop cultural competence. CASA of Lancaster County Volunteer Training. Lancaster, PA, October 6, 2010.
- Girvin, H. Developing cultural competence. CASA & COBYS Family Services Training Program. Lancaster, PA, June 25th, 2010.
- Girvin, H., & Rice, K. How to conduct ethnographic research. Training presented to members of the Research & Data Committee of CASA of Lancaster County Program Evaluation Team, 无忧短视频, 无忧短视频, PA, February 19, 2010.
- Rice, K., & Girvin, H. Building relationships across systems to enhance resiliency and improve foster care outcomes. Paper presented at the Institute for Rural Social Work & Human Services Conference: The 3 R’s of Rural Social Work: Relationships, Resources and Resiliency. Presque Isle, ME, July 14-17, 2010.
- Girvin, H. & Rice, K. A mixed methods program evaluation of CASA of Lancaster County. Poster presentation at the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology: Thinking Qualitatively 2010 Conference. Alberta, Canada, June 21-26, 2010.
- Girvin, H., & Rice, K. How to conduct ethnographic research. Training presented to members of Research & Data Committee of CASA of Lancaster County Program Evaluation Team, 无忧短视频, 无忧短视频, PA, February 19, 2010.
- Rice, K., & Girvin, H. Building relationships across systems to enhance resiliency and improve foster care outcomes. Institute for Rural Social Work & Human Services Conference: The 3 R’s of Rural Social Work: Relationships, Resources and Resiliency. Presque Isle, ME, July 14-17, 2010.
- Girvin, H., & Rice, K. A mixed methods program evaluation of CASA of Lancaster County. International Institute for Qualitative Methodology: Thinking Qualitatively 2010 Conference. Alberta, Canada, June 21-26, 2010.
- Girvin, H., Fisher, E., & Clements, J. Using technology to enhance student learning, field instructor training, & program collaboration. Innovations in Field Education: Sharing Lessons Learned. Temple University, Harrisburg, PA, April 28, 2010.
- Diane, D., Girvin, H., Hayward, A., & Mirza, F. Combining social work education and intervention research: Lessons learned from a multi-methods course. Council on Social Work Education 52nd Annual Program Meeting. Social Justice Through Social Reform. Chicago, IL, February 16-19, 2006.
- DePanfilis, D., & Girvin, H. Strategies for assessing and measuring program fidelity. 15th Annual Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Supporting Promising Practices & Positive Outcomes: A Shared Responsibility. Boston, MA, April 18-23, 2005.
- Girvin, H., Strieder, F., & DePanfilis, D. Working with intergenerational families to increase child safety, permanency, and well-being. CWLA 2005 National Conference. Washington, DC, March 9-11, 2005.
- Girvin, H. Working with grandparent families to increase safety, well-being, and permanence. 3rd Annual National Gerontological Social Work Conference. New York, NY, February 27-March1, 2005.
- DePanfilis, D., Girvin, H., & Daining, C. The influence of risk and protective factors on motivation to change at intake. Eighth Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research. New Orleans, LA, January 16-19, 2004.
- Girvin, H. Depression among women and its impact on parenting: Assessment and intervention. University of Maryland School of Social Work, Continuing Professional Education Program. Baltimore, MD, April 22, 2004.
- Girvin, H., & DePanfilis, D. Family Connections: Promoting safety and well-being outcomes among families at risk for neglect. Fourteenth Annual Family Preservation Conference. San Antonio, TX, September 3-5, 2003.
- Girvin, H. Readiness for change in child welfare. Tenth Annual Governor's Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Baltimore, MD, April 29, 2003.
- Girvin, H. Readiness for change in a child welfare sample: The identification of meaningful subgroups. Eastern Evaluation Research Society, Annual Meeting. Absecon, NJ, April 28-30, 2002.
- Girvin, H., Reynolds, W., Littell, J.H., & Alexander, L.B. Understanding readiness for change in child welfare. Eastern Evaluation Research Society, Annual Meeting. Langhorne, PA, April 22-24, 2001.
- Reynolds, W., Girvin, H., Alexander, L.B., & Littell, J.H. The predictive capacity of the working alliance in child welfare. Eastern Evaluation Research Society, Annual Meeting. Langhorne, PA, April 22-24, 2001.
- Littell, J.H., Alexander, L.B., Girvin, H., & Reynolds, W. Readiness for change in home-based services in child welfare: validity and prediction. Fourteenth Annual Research Conference: A System of Care for Children's Mental Health. Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, February 25-28, 2001.
- Littell, J.H., Alexander, L.B., Girvin, H., & Reynolds, W. Understanding readiness for change in child welfare: Results of a longitudinal study. Society for Social Work and Research, Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, January 19-22, 2001.
- Alexander, L.B., Littell, J.H., Girvin, H., & Reynolds, W. The Predictive Capacity of the Working Alliance in Child Welfare: Results of a longitudinal investigation of home-based services. Society for Social Work and Research, Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, January 19-22, 2001.
- Alexander, L.B., Littell, J.H., Reynolds, W., & Girvin, H. The alliance in home-based services in child welfare: Reliability and prediction. Fourteenth Annual Research Conference: A System of Care for Children's Mental Health. Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, February 25-28, 2001.
- Girvin, H., Reynolds, W.W., Littell, J.H., & Alexander, L.B. The role of readiness for change in home-based services for families in child welfare. Eastern Evaluation Research Society, Annual Meeting. Atlantic City, N.J., March 27- 28, 2000.
- Littell, J.H., Alexander, L.B., Reynolds, W., & Girvin, H. The role of the working alliance in child welfare: Can it predict client outcomes in home-based services? Society for Social Work and Research, Annual Meeting. Charleston, SC, January, 27-30, 2000.
- Littell, J.H., Alexander, L.B., Girvin, H., & Reynolds, W. The role of readiness for change in home-based services for families of abuse and neglected children in child welfare. Society for Social Work and Research, Annual Meeting. Charleston, SC, January, 27-30, 2000.
- Littell, J.H., Alexander, L.B., Girvin, H., & Reynolds, W. Neglected issues in child welfare: Preliminary findings in alliance formation and readiness for change. American Orthopsychiatric Association. Washington, DC, April 9-11, 1999.
- Littell, J.H., Alexander, L.B., Girvin, H., & Reynolds, W. Stages of change in a child welfare Sample. Society for Social Work and Research, Annual Meeting. Austin, TX, January 22-24, 1999.
- Littell, J.H., Alexander, L.B., Girvin, H., & Reynolds, W. The working alliance in a child welfare sample. Society for Social Work and Research, Annual Meeting. Austin, TX, January 22-24, 1999.