Iota Phi Officers

Executive Committee

There will be five officers:  President, Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. Together they shall form the Executive Committee of the Chapter (the “Executive Committee”).

Each will serve a one-year term.

Elections will be held in late spring and should be overseen by the current Executive Committee. Each member of the chapter shall have one vote.


The President is truly the key to a successful chapter. An effective President presents a model of leadership for the chapter and the campus.

JuliaThe Chapter President has the following duties.

  • Attend all required training sessions.
  • Communicate with the Student Government Association as appropriate.
  • To ensure continuity from year to year, plan an orientation for new officers as soon after the election as possible. Organize this activity with the help of the Advisor and the outgoing President.
  • Ask the outgoing President for the President's notebook. With the outgoing President, go through the notebook. Inform the Advisor that you have received the notebook.
  • Use this website. Under you will find a wealth of ideas in the sections on , , , , , and .
  • Assess the interests and needs of your chapter as you plan the agenda for the upcoming year, achieving a balance among programs, parties, fundraisers, and service projects.
  • Early each semester, set up and publicize a calendar of events, such as meetings, programs, initiation(s).
  • With the advice of the Advisor, fill appointed offices and set up committees.
  • Authorize all financial transactions and work closely with the Treasurer and Advisor on these matters, following all rules of the Student Government Association and Banking.
  • Officiate at induction ceremonies at least once a year.
  • Delegate duties to officers and chapter members, trying to involve as many members as possible.
  • Communicate your enthusiasm about Sigma Tau Delta to other members, to other students, and to the faculty.
  • Be a liaison (or appoint a member to be a liaison) to other organizations on campus, to the student government association, and to the faculty.
  • Collaborate with the Advisor and the other officers on completing the for the Central Office.
  • Be aware of Sigma Tau Delta beyond the local chapter. Learn about the and and encourage your members to submit papers and attend.

Vice President

The main duty of the Vice President is to assist and support the President in presiding over the chapter, being able to assume the responsibilities of the President if the President is unable to serve.

The Vice President has the following duties.

  • Serve as the program chair. Consult  on chapter activities, service, and chapter development. Form a committee to help plan and implement programs and service projects for the year.
  • Plan and put on fundraisers.
  • Keep a notebook of ideas for programs, fundraisers, and service projects, noting the ones that have been particularly successful on your campus. Pass this notebook on to the next Vice President and inform the Advisor that you have done so.
  • Investigate the possibility of co-hosting a program or an activity with another organization on campus or with a .
  • Participate in the induction ceremonies.


The Secretary is a vital part of a smooth-running chapter. This officer should work closely with the other officers, being aware of local and international deadlines and maintaining good communication by sending out information to chapter members in a timely fashion.

CarsonThe Secretary has the following duties.

  • Store and attend to the Iota Phi Registry.
  • Attend all meetings and keep accurate minutes; distribute the minutes soon after each meeting.
  • Prepare and send out information to members.
  • After the calendar for the year has been set, remind members by texting or social media of upcoming events.
  • Keep the membership list up to date on GetInvolved.
  • Be responsible for all chapter correspondence, including notes of thanks.
  • Consider working with other officers to prepare a chapter newsletter.
  • Keep the Secretary's notebook on Teams (or other software) up to date and pass it on to the next Secretary. Inform the Advisor that you have done so.
  • Assist the Advisor in completing all chapter reports.


The Treasurer is also vital to the smooth functioning of a chapter and should attend all events where money is collected or disbursed.

The Treasurer has the following duties.

  • Follow all rules of the Student Government Association.
  • Obtain bank statements and the Treasurer's notebook from the outgoing Treasurer.
  • Collect receipts for expenditures and process Form-1s promptly.
  • Be aware of financial regulations and attend required classes to understand them.
  • Collect and deposit promptly any monies or special fees.


The Historian is the keeper of the chapter's memories. This officer ideally has a camera and takes photographs of the various activities of the chapter.

As Historian, you may have the following duties.

  • Maintain all records, such as the scrapbook, the written history of the chapter, videos, photographs, souvenir programs, sample T-shirts, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and convention materials. Display these materials appropriately at Sigma Tau Delta functions and in the English hallways on bulletin boards.
  • Caption and date all photographs and label all other materials.
  • Make entries in the scrapbook periodically, rather than waiting until the end of the year to compile everything.
  • Provide special documentation to the Archives in the library when appropriate.
  • Participate in induction ceremonies if asked.

Public Relations Officer

The Public Relations Officer is the chapter's link to the university and the community. The way in which the chapter is perceived is, to a large extent, the responsibility of this officer.

As Public Relations Officer, you may have some of the following duties.

  • Locate the office for the campus newspaper and find out which staff writer would most likely print your Sigma Tau Delta news stories.
  • Try to publicize meetings, programs, and fundraisers in the campus and local newspapers.
  • Work with the Historian to take photos that may be used in the newspaper.
  • Arrange for a group photograph of the chapter members for the campus yearbook.

Duties of Individual Officers

In addition to the duties of the Executive Committee, each officer shall have the following duties:

  1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Board. They shall appoint the Standing Committees and such Committees as they deem desirable or necessary.  Such Committees shall serve as they deem appropriate, and such Committees shall report to the Board.  The President shall be an ex officio member of all Committees (except the Executive Committee). 

  2. The Vice President/President-Elect shall preside in the absence of the President and shall assume duties at the request of the President. 

  3. The Immediate Past President shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Board and shall assume duties at the request of the President.

  4. The Secretary/Treasurer shall have primary responsibility for accurate minutes of the Board meetings.

  5. The Historian shall maintain the archives and the written continuing history of the Society and shall bring to the attention of the Board such relevant matters as seem appropriate.