TPTF Review
Temporary Part-time Faculty members (TPTF's) are reviewed each semester. The reviews consist of a chair's report, a committee report, observations, and student evaluations.
The Governance Committee in English arranges for the observations that are done by all English faculty members.
Both a chair's report and a committee report are due in Fall. These use the observations conducted earlier in the semester. They also use the student evaluations that TPTF's do every semester.
TPTF faculty members should try to schedule their observations before mid-October so that committee members can meet contractual deadlines.
Submission of Materials
Temporary part-time faculty members are encouraged to submit self reviews.
Faculty under review should submit to the chair and his/her committee, at a minimum
- a curriculum vitae
- student evaluations
The chair also suggests for her review
- syllabi from current classes (see below for information on expectations)
- a self-evaluation of the accomplishments since the last review
Aspects of the self evaluation:
- the self-evaluation ideally addresses teaching, scholarship, and service;
- the teaching section of this evaluation should describe how the faculty member practices current, best practices in pedagogies for instructor’s area of specialization and teaching writing;
- the teaching section can also address special circumstances that occur in a class or evaluation (new prep, taking over a class, reasons for lower evaluations and steps to address them, etc.);
- the scholarship can be broadly defined, from working on coursework for a Ph.D. to creative publications and the scholarship of engagement (Boyer 1996); and
- some service possibilities are outlined below.
The candidate should have a departmental 3-person committee who also reviews their materials and observes their classes. These requirements are separate from those required by the CBA for the chair's review.
Faculty under review should schedule observations as follows:
- a class observation done by the chair (please submit the syllabus and a brief lesson plan beforehand)
- two class observations done by a department committee (one in fall, one in spring)
In 2019, the English Department will submit these documents electronically to Dena.
Boyer, E. (1996). The scholarship of engagement. Journal of Public Service and
Outreach, 1(1), 11-20.
Scholarship and Professional Development
The latest contract requires that Temporary Part-time Faculty members be evaluated on scholarship and service. Some examples of activities that might be included in scholarship include:
- Publishing an article, a book, an edited collection, a story, or poems.
- Attending Camp IDEA
- Attending CAE sessions
- Advancing your education through graduate classes
- Attending conferences on or off campus to update your knowledge
- Creating a presentation for the Writing Summit or similar event
The latest contract requires that Temporary Part-time Faculty members be evaluated on scholarship and service. Some examples of activities that might be included in service include:
- Helping with Clubs and Running Field Trips
- Organizing or Presenting on Poetry Readings (organizing would be service; presenting in them would be scholarship)
- Serving on English Committees or University Committees
- Serving the Community related to English
- Helping Joyce with MUsings
- Working on Departmental Committees
- Revising the Catalog and Editing It
- Creating/Editing Marketing Materials
- Publishing
- Running a Film Series and/or Film Discussion
- Organizing a Book Club
- Conference Organization (on campus and off)
- Helping with Made in 无忧短视频