Effective Syllabi

Effective Syllabi

One aspect that the Chair will review is faculty syllabi.  

[Adapted from ]

Expected Elements

  • Course description - relationship to the discipline, scope and major themes of course content
  • Basic information - course name and number, meeting time and place, instructor name, contact information, office hours
  • Class calendar - dates for class topics, homework, readings, other assignments, and exams
  • Course requirements 
  • Readings and required materials 
  • Assignments [and assessments] - description of assignments [and their evaluation criteria]
  • Basis for final grade in course- percentages allocated to exams, assignments, homework, and class participation
  • Learning goals/objectives and learning outcomes

Suggested Elements

  • Academic integrity statement
  • Guidelines for discussion - inclusive class climate [as appropriate]
  • Attendance and lateness policies
  • Support for student well-being - Counseling Center
  • Title IX Statement
  • Advice to students for self-regulating their learning - suggested ways to study and  succeed in the class; Writing Center, Tutoring Center, Subject Librarian, Library
  • Learning Accommodations
    •  Sample statement: Students requiring disability-related academic adjustments and services must consult the Office of Learning Services in Lyle. Students who may need these adjustments and services for this course should discuss these needs with me privately before the end of the second week of the semester.

  • Policies on the use of electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, and tablets during class

Please check out the following resources for ideas about organizing and writing effective syllabi: