Violations of Academic Integrity

Processes for Handling Violations of Academic Integrity Policies

If your professor believes you have violated the academic honesty policies, s/he should discuss the situation with you and hear your explanation of the events.  Your professor should also discuss any sanctions that s/he will impose and inform you of your right to appeal these sanctions to the department chair or dean of the school.

Faculty members can impose a variety of sanctions, including verbal and written reprimands; resubmission of the assignment, test, or project; or lowering of a grade.  If a faculty member chooses to impose a sanction more severe than lowering a grade, as in failing the course or recommending suspension from the university, the faculty member must file a formal charge with the Associate Provost.

Regardless of the level of sanction, the faculty member may file a .  If you accumulate more than one of these reports, the Associate Provost will meet with you to discuss these occurrences and possibly impose additional sanctions.


In accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, any information relating to an alleged violation of the University’s Student Code of Conduct or to the outcome of a judicial hearing must be treated as strictly confidential by members of the faculty.